About the Centre


Mizoram University Incubation Centre is the first of its kind (A NIDHI TBI powered by DST, Govt. of India) ever to be hosted by a Central University in the Indian eastern region. A 10.75 crore project with four main thrust areas viz. manufacturing and engineering, energy, agriculture and allied, and ICT is housed in state-of-art centre equipped with 3D rooms and facbricdation/prototype lab.

The Incubator works in partnership with Indian Institute of Management Calcutta-Innocation Park, an official arrangement mentorship recommended by the DST itself. The Centre is also a partnet institute to MEDMOC.

The Incubator is initiated to cater the entrepreneurial need of both formal and informal institutions, that is, those affiliated and not affiliated with the host University may be assisted in initiating a potential ‘idea’ to a viable ‘business’. The Incubation Centre has a triple machinery of operation.

The Incubation Centre Team comprising of Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Incubation Manager, Accounts Administrator and Support Staff. These team members manage the day-to-day operations. The Steering Committee comprising of Coordinator and team of diverse affiliation like Management, Architecture, Physical and Life Sciences, Humanities and IT.

The Governing Board constitutes the third machinery of operation. The GB stands as apex body for the incubator and is headed by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Registrar and Finance Officer of the University. Representations from industry & entrepreneurs, Steering Committee, Centre Team and academia sit as members of the GB.

The MZU incubation Centre strives for:

  • Creation of technology based new enterprises.
  • Facilitating transfer of technology,
  • Fostering the entrepreneurial spirit,
  • Speedy commercialization of R & D output,
  • Specialized services to existing entrepreneurs.

“The first of its kind (a NIDHI TBI powered by DST, Govt. of India) ever to be hosted by a Central University in the Indian eastern region.”

Mizoram University, Tanhril
(9am - 05 pm)